Friday, September 24, 2004

Jimmy Carter interview

Check out this interview by Jimmy Carter:
Carter's Crusade

I don't agree with all of it, but I respect him and he is an intelligent,sincere man. But it was good to see him finally speak pragmatically about the two "elephants in the living room" that keep most Evangelicals from voting Democratic: Abortion and Homosexuality. I'm still ruminating on my final thoughts on what he said. Any comments?



At 8:29 AM, Blogger Andrea said...

I can understand why Christians have concerns about an extreme right-wing conservative government and that is good. Bush should be and needs to be challenged to be balanced in his policies. However, we (Canadians) are a good example of what happens when moral issues get swept under the rug and social programs are heavily funded and there is an attitude that the rich should be taxed heavily to pay for the poor. Taking a moral stand on any issue is not 'politically correct' these days. We (collectively) would rather vote for someone who stands for nothing and thus can't offend anyone (except those who do have a moral stance). And there is nothing that kills iniative and economic growth than an idealogy that tries to continually 'take' from the rich to give to the poor. And yet there needs to be legislation that does not allow the rich to exploit the poor and that the poor do have access to fundamental needs like quality health care, housing, etc. We need businesses to succeed to provide jobs and good wages. And we need public policies that continually look out for the interests of all its citizens. I would rather see Bush in power any day and lobby his government for more balanced policies than to see a democrat come in and promote further moral decay and possible economic stagnation. Canada has a 'social conscience' but has little to offer when crisis hits (eg. 911). Canada talks peace but has no teeth when it comes to enforcing it. Canada is also considered 'pagan' and has very little 'moral conscience'. I would not wish that on you. Christians have very little voice in Canada and it is heartbreaking!


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