Thursday, September 30, 2004

Leviticus 19:10

Leviticus 19:10 "Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the LORD your God."

This scripture is really at odds with many of the concepts of business that we have. The common idea of making sure you know where every penny goes, and getting as much profit as possible in order to be a success is at odds with this idea. This speaks to the heart of the problem that modern capitalism seems to have with an obsession with the bottom line.

How do we compare this agrarian method of welfare to today? What would this be comparable to? My own opinion is that it would be comparable to continuing to give raises and bonuses even when it hurts overall profit. Without a doubt, the turning of priorities from purely the survival of the corporation through the efforts of the workers to the survival of the workers through the resources of the corporation.

Some of you will say that is not good business. I say you are wrong. I have worked in places directed by men who genuinely cared for their employees and gave raises and bonuses even when profits were not good. Those places thrived with a morale you could not find in most factories and warehouses. Taking care of your most important assets is good business.

The other thing we see in this verse is the phrase "poor and alien". There are many other verses about how to treat the alien that is living in your country. Here we see that God wants the alien to be given help if he should need it. We don't see them being kicked out of the country, or marginalized like leeches.



At 8:36 AM, Blogger Andrea said...

Well Said!!!


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