Monday, November 29, 2004

Prov 10:15

The wealth of the rich is their fortified city, but poverty is the ruin of the poor-Proverbs 10:15

One of the defining differences between the rich and the poor is what happens to each of them in times of trouble. Many of those things that we are all told to do in order to live a good life require money. Changing the oil in your car, making sure you have renters insurance, make sure the kids take their vitamins, makeing sure you have an emergency fund, or have a membership in AAA for when you break down. Many of us assume everyone does these sort of things, but that's not the case. The truth is for those of us who have ever worked for minimum wage, its just not possible.

My grandmother had a saying, "Poor folks got poor ways."

What the poor do when trouble comes is depend on their family, friends, and churches and government agencies.

Poverty is not an easy problem that will be solved with just one tax cut, or another agency, just throwing money at it isnt always the answer(that doesnt mean by a long shot that no money should be directed toward it!). it's a complex problem that needs to be addressed at many levels. More than anything, those that have money need to put themselves in the place of those without, trying to determine what its like to live without abundant resources.


At 11:22 AM, Blogger Diane R said...

FInally! You are alive. I was wondering if you would ever post again as I have come to really love your blog.

Fairly soon I am going to do a post on your blog and what you are saying here at my blog.

Every time I read your posts I am reminded of the book by Barbara Ehrenreich, "Nickled and Dimed." Have you read it?

At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the poor you wil always have with you. You know, coming from a poverty stricken family, it never dawned on me until I began this seminary stuff and having time to sit and think....I have learned this...that it takes a lot of money to be poor. Oftentimes we shop daily in local stores..that costs a lot of money. Oftentimes we don't have medical insurance..have to pay out of our pockets.

Before I start blabbering on and on about poverty...It wasn't until I went to Africa this spring to see what poverty really looks like...and you know what? They will give you their last..and be happy doing it.

Who is really poor?

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Andrea said...

Great commentary as usual! It got me talking to my husband about it - how it's expensive to be poor. Never thought of it that way before.


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